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What is "Project PopVote"?
"Project PopVote" covers small-scale e-polling projects for specific groups or organizations, mid-scale e-polling projects for specific communities or sectors, and large-scale civil referendums for the general public.
- “CE Election Civil Referendum 2017” Activity Report (Chinese Only) (23/5/2017)
- POP to Provide E-voting System and Technical Support to “Referendum on Institutional Autonomy” (16/2/2016)
- Results of “The University of Hong Kong Campus Voting” (14/11/2015)
- "6.22 Civil Referendum" Activity Report (Chinese only) (16/2/2015)
- Results of “6.22 Civil Referendum” (30/6/2014)
- Preliminary Results of “6.22 Civil Referendum” (29/6/2014)
- Press Invitation (27/6/2014)
- “6.22 Civil Referendum” Formal and Subsidiary Polling Stations and Arrangement of Preliminary Results Announcement (26/6/2014)
- Nearly 50,000 Citizens Cast Votes On Site for “6.22 Civil Referendum” (Chinese Only) (22/6/2014)
- “6.22 Civil Referendum” e-Platform Running Smoothly (Chinese Only) (21/6/2014)
- “6.22 Civil Referendum”e-Platform Fighting Hard (Chinese Only) (20/6/2014)
- Updates for “6.22 Civil Referendum” (19/6/2014)
- Contingency Plan Invoked for “6.22 Civil Referendum” (18/6/2014)
- Mock Voting System of “6.22 Civil Referendum” under Severe Attack (16/6/2014)
- Mock Voting for “6.22 Civil Referendum” Running Smoothly (13/6/2014)
- Voting Drill and Pre-registration for "6.22 Civil Referendum" Mobile Application: "PopVote"(12/6/2014)
- 6.22 Civil Referendum (12/6/2014)
- Result of "Constitutional Reform Deliberation Day" Voting (Chinese only) (6/5/2014)
- Preliminary result of "Constitutional Reform Deliberation Day" Voting (Chinese only) (6/5/2014)
- IT Technicians WANTED (15/4/2014)
- Results of “New Year Civil Referendum” (1/1/2014)
- Arrangements for the “New Year Civil Referendum” (27/12/2013)
- Updates of the "Civil Referendum Project" (23/1/2013)
- "PopVote Civil Referendum Project" Press Invitation (22/1/2013)
- 3.23 Civil Referendum Project Activity report (23/5/2012)
- HKUPOP releases the "3.23 Civil Referendum Project" Activity report(23/5/2012)
- 3.23 Civil Referendum Project financial report (23/4/2012)